आईबैग रिमूवल आरएफ अल्ट्रासाउंड कूलिंग वसा कम करना त्वचा को कसने वाला एक्सिली अल्ट्रासाउंड बॉडी स्कल्पचर मशीन
Setup Interface Introduction Handle Two(Facial therapy interface introduction) Facial Therapy Interface Introduction Double Energy To Sculpture Body The patented technology of BTL-6000 Exilis, Through the parallel RF and advanced fully regulated skin cooling system, to control deep tissue heating. 1. The Energy Flow Control System (EFC) guarantees maximum safety. 2. The most advanced thermoelectric cooling system – laser control the depth of the रेडियो फ़्रीके का उपचार ... -